Cill Dara Shinn Féin Poblachtach

Oppose visit of British Queen Carlow Protest

The Myles Shevlin/Tony Ruane Cumann of Republican Sinn Féin will be holding a protest in Carlow against the visit of the British Queen to the 26-County State on Saturday April 9.

The protest will take place at the Liberty Tree 1798 monument in the Haymarket between 1.00pm and 2.00pm.

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Republican Sinn Féin protest at British Embassy

On Tuesday March 29 a protest will be held at the British Embassy on Merrion Road, Ballsbridge in Dublin. The protest is part of Republican Sinn Féin’s campaign against the visit by the Queen of England to the 26-County State.

The protest will take place from 2.00pm to 4.00pm.

The protest is part of a nationwide campaign against the normalisation of British Rule in Ireland.

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Protest against visit of British Queen

Republican Sinn Féin will be actively opposing a visit by the Queen of England to any part of Ireland. As part of its campaign Republican Sinn Féin will be holding a picket at the gates of Leinster House on Wednesday March 9 from 4.00pm to 6.00pm.

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Republican Sinn Féin says no to British Queen - website

Keep up with the latest news on the campaign against the visit of the British Queen at:

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Republican Sinn Féin will actively oppose visit of British Queen

Statement by the President of Republican Sinn Féin Des Dalton

Republican Sinn Féin will actively oppose the visit of the Queen of England to the 26-County State in order to send out a clear message to the world that British rule in Ireland is neither normal nor acceptable. We are calling on all Republican-minded people throughout Ireland and abroad to mobilise now in opposition to this visit.

The announcement of the visit by the head of the British State marks the culmination of a carefully orchestrated campaign by the political establishments in Leinster House, Stormont and Westminster to normalise the partition and continued British occupation of Ireland.

Republican Sinn Féin will provide leadership as well as active opposition to this visit. Our campaign will involve activities throughout Ireland including a protest at the gates of Leinster House on Wednesday March 9.

We are calling all who believe in Ireland’s inalienable right to nationhood to come out and join the protests.

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Consent to Corrib gas pipeline is act of national treachery

Statement by the President of Republican Sinn Féin Des Dalton

The decision of the outgoing 26-County Energy Minister Pat Carey to sign consents for the last section of the controversial Corrib gas pipeline is an act of national treachery by a defunct and discredited regime.

The people of the 26 Counties have been auctioned to the IMF/ECB and EU Commission by a 26-County administration which at the same time is giving away natural resources that belong as of right to the Irish people. As usual the 26-County
State protects the interests of international capitalism while trampling over the rights of communities.

Any rhetoric about change by the incoming 26-County administration –likely to be made up of Fine Gael and Labour – will be tested immediately on this issue. Experience tells us their actions will fall far short of their promises.

The revolutionary change that would uphold the right of the people of Ireland to the ownership of Ireland will never be delivered in Leinster House. The ownership of our natural resources is the cornerstone of a New Ireland as set out in Republican Sinn Féin’s programme for political, social and economic democracy Éire Nua and Saol Nua.

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"We of Republican Sinn Féin are the nucleus, which represents what Emmet represented,
the soul of Ireland,the prophetic shock minority, those who are neither purchased nor intimidated."

Republican Sinn Féin Kildare © 2008. Powered by Republican Sinn Féin: 223 Parnell Street, Dublin /// 229 Falls Road, Belfast .
