Waterford workers lead the way
IN A statement in support of the Waterford Crystal workers the Vice President of Republican Sinn Féin and Athy Town Council local election candidate Des Dalton said:
“With their ongoing sit-in the workers of Waterford-Wedgwood are leading the way by sending out a clear message throughout Ireland and internationally that workers are not prepared to simply roll over and allow their livelihoods to be taken away.
“The Dublin government is on the one hand prepared to recapitalise the banks from the ‘National Pension Reserve Fund’ whilst on the other no support is forthcoming for the workers of Waterford and the hundreds of thousands facing the loss of their jobs. In Waterford workers who have given up to 40 years service to the company now face the real prospect of being left without a pension. The same prospect faces many other workers also.
“Working people have no great cash reserves or secret off-shore bank accounts. They pay their tax at source, their main and in many cases only asset is their job. Their job is their means to live with dignity and respect, to rear and educate their children and put a roof over their heads. The workers of Waterford Crystal are striking a blow for all workers and it is the duty of all workers and the entire trade union movement to fully support them. Rarely has the old trade union slogan ‘An injury to one is an injury to all’ carried more meaning or relevance.”
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