National demonstration - people power to stop the cuts
A NATIONAL demonstration has been called for Saturday, September 19 by the United Alliance Against Cuts to protest against a massive bail-out of the banks, while at the same time jobs, wages and the vital public services on which we depend are being savaged with cuts.
Assemble 1pm, Garden of Remembrance, Parnell Square, Dublin. Bring pots and pans to make noise.
The United Alliance Against Cuts said on August 27: “Enough is enough! We need a huge display of people power to protest against a massive bail out of the banks, while at the same time jobs, wages and the vital public services on which we depend are being savaged with cuts.
“Following the Bord Snip report, the government is planning to impose up to €5 billion worth of brutal cutbacks on workers, the poor and the most vulnerable in our society.
“Meanwhile, the government is re-calling the Dail early in September to push through a further massive bailout of the banks, which will cost us all an estimated €60 billion or more.
“Bord Snip’s proposals include: a further cut of €1.8 billion in social welfare, €1.2 billion cut in health spending, €746 million worth of cuts in education. The cuts will mean the slashing of thousands of jobs in health and education, including special needs teachers, increased class sizes and school closures, hikes in hospital charges, cuts in child benefit, cuts in basic social welfare payments, cuts in CE jobs, the re-introduction of water charges, property taxes and student fees and much more.
“It is a form of economic madness that is making the recession worse.
“Slashing jobs and incomes for ordinary people will mean they have less to spend, leading to even more job-losses and a massive increase in the social welfare bill.
“The vast majority of ordinary people gained little from the so-called “Celtic Tiger” and cannot afford to take any more pain.
“The government has ignored the voice of the people during the last elections. We have no option now but to take to streets now in large numbers to demand a change of course or force this government out of office altogether.
“We must say:
*No to NAMA – Bail out jobs and services not bakers and developers
*No cuts in health, education, social welfare and vital public & community services.
*Invest public resources in jobs, public services and public enterprise.
*Tax the super-wealthy elite - slash the salaries of politicians, top civil servants and corporate bosses.
*Defend jobs, pay, conditions and pensions for all low and average paid workers.
“We need to unite workers, students, pensioners, unemployed and local communities across the country to demand that those who created this crisis pay to clean it up. Only a massive movement of people power can ensure this happens.
“Join the demonstration on Saturday, September 19. Bring your family, friends, workmates and neighbours & bring pots and pans to make maximum noise.”
Assemble 1pm, Garden of Remembrance, Parnell Square, Dublin. Bring pots and pans to make noise.
The United Alliance Against Cuts said on August 27: “Enough is enough! We need a huge display of people power to protest against a massive bail out of the banks, while at the same time jobs, wages and the vital public services on which we depend are being savaged with cuts.
“Following the Bord Snip report, the government is planning to impose up to €5 billion worth of brutal cutbacks on workers, the poor and the most vulnerable in our society.
“Meanwhile, the government is re-calling the Dail early in September to push through a further massive bailout of the banks, which will cost us all an estimated €60 billion or more.
“Bord Snip’s proposals include: a further cut of €1.8 billion in social welfare, €1.2 billion cut in health spending, €746 million worth of cuts in education. The cuts will mean the slashing of thousands of jobs in health and education, including special needs teachers, increased class sizes and school closures, hikes in hospital charges, cuts in child benefit, cuts in basic social welfare payments, cuts in CE jobs, the re-introduction of water charges, property taxes and student fees and much more.
“It is a form of economic madness that is making the recession worse.
“Slashing jobs and incomes for ordinary people will mean they have less to spend, leading to even more job-losses and a massive increase in the social welfare bill.
“The vast majority of ordinary people gained little from the so-called “Celtic Tiger” and cannot afford to take any more pain.
“The government has ignored the voice of the people during the last elections. We have no option now but to take to streets now in large numbers to demand a change of course or force this government out of office altogether.
“We must say:
*No to NAMA – Bail out jobs and services not bakers and developers
*No cuts in health, education, social welfare and vital public & community services.
*Invest public resources in jobs, public services and public enterprise.
*Tax the super-wealthy elite - slash the salaries of politicians, top civil servants and corporate bosses.
*Defend jobs, pay, conditions and pensions for all low and average paid workers.
“We need to unite workers, students, pensioners, unemployed and local communities across the country to demand that those who created this crisis pay to clean it up. Only a massive movement of people power can ensure this happens.
“Join the demonstration on Saturday, September 19. Bring your family, friends, workmates and neighbours & bring pots and pans to make maximum noise.”
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