Provos to enforce British Rule
Statement by the President of Republican Sinn Féin Des Dalton
With the fervour of political converts the Provos cannot wait to administer British Police and British Justice in Ireland.
As they don the uniforms and carry the weapons of their one-time enemy, it can be truly said that the ‘poachers have become gamekeepers.’
When the new ‘Broy Harriers’ take to the streets under Provo direction history can be accurately said to be repeating itself.
As British rule reaches into the grass-roots in the Six Counties, British Imperialism in its updated mode seeks to make itself more acceptable. However history teaches us that it will once more be resisted.
Statement in German: Provisional Sinn Féin als Vollstrecker britischer Herrschaft . . .
With the fervour of political converts the Provos cannot wait to administer British Police and British Justice in Ireland.
As they don the uniforms and carry the weapons of their one-time enemy, it can be truly said that the ‘poachers have become gamekeepers.’
When the new ‘Broy Harriers’ take to the streets under Provo direction history can be accurately said to be repeating itself.
As British rule reaches into the grass-roots in the Six Counties, British Imperialism in its updated mode seeks to make itself more acceptable. However history teaches us that it will once more be resisted.
Statement in German: Provisional Sinn Féin als Vollstrecker britischer Herrschaft . . .
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