The 26-County political class are guilty of treason
Statement by the Ard Chomhairle of Republican Sinn Féin
The imposition of a so-called ‘bailout’ by the ECB and IMF is the price demanded of the Dublin administration in order to prop up the EU superstate and its currency. It marks the surrender of the last vestiges of sovereignty of the 26-County State.
The Irish people are to be sacrificed on the altar of international capitalism, the present and future generations are to be mortgaged to pay for the greed of the bankers. The political class who have presided over all this are guilty of treason.
Revolutionary history teaches us that a time of crisis also presents opportunities for radical change. The Irish people must seize this opportunity and not settle merely for a change of those administering a politically and economically bankrupt system.
Republican Sinn Féin calls for unity based on the historic right of the “people of Ireland to the ownership of Ireland”.
Next year marks 40 years since we first presented ÉIRE NUA as an alternative to the two failed partitionist states. Today ÉIRE NUA and our social and economic programme SAOL NUA remain the only credible means by which we can make the Proclamation of 1916 a reality.
It is time to organise, it is time to fight back and build the All-Ireland Republic of Pearse and Connolly.
The imposition of a so-called ‘bailout’ by the ECB and IMF is the price demanded of the Dublin administration in order to prop up the EU superstate and its currency. It marks the surrender of the last vestiges of sovereignty of the 26-County State.
The Irish people are to be sacrificed on the altar of international capitalism, the present and future generations are to be mortgaged to pay for the greed of the bankers. The political class who have presided over all this are guilty of treason.
Revolutionary history teaches us that a time of crisis also presents opportunities for radical change. The Irish people must seize this opportunity and not settle merely for a change of those administering a politically and economically bankrupt system.
Republican Sinn Féin calls for unity based on the historic right of the “people of Ireland to the ownership of Ireland”.
Next year marks 40 years since we first presented ÉIRE NUA as an alternative to the two failed partitionist states. Today ÉIRE NUA and our social and economic programme SAOL NUA remain the only credible means by which we can make the Proclamation of 1916 a reality.
It is time to organise, it is time to fight back and build the All-Ireland Republic of Pearse and Connolly.
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