Loughinisland Report shows British policing in Ireland has not changed
Statement by the President of Republican Sinn Féin Des Dalton
The report by British Police Ombudsman Al Hutchinson into the murder of six people in Loughinisland, Co Down in 1994 by a British-backed Loyalist death-squad confirms that the nature of British rule in Ireland has not changed. Al Hutchinson’s report fails the crucial test of the definition of collusion he uses in coming to the conclusion that there was no collusion between loyalists and British Crown forces. The very narrow definition used by Hutchinson is in contrast to the very broad, clear and concise definition used by retired Canadian Judge Peter Corey in his inquiry into British and 26-County state collusion. Corey stated: “they [The two states] must not act collusively by ignoring or turning a blind eye to the wrongful acts of their servants or agents”. It is clear that in this case that is precisely what that RUC/PSNI did in their so-called investigation of the murder of these six people.
The leopard does not change his spots and this case shines a spotlight on the never changing face of British rule and policing as experienced by the nationalists people of the Six Counties.
The report by British Police Ombudsman Al Hutchinson into the murder of six people in Loughinisland, Co Down in 1994 by a British-backed Loyalist death-squad confirms that the nature of British rule in Ireland has not changed. Al Hutchinson’s report fails the crucial test of the definition of collusion he uses in coming to the conclusion that there was no collusion between loyalists and British Crown forces. The very narrow definition used by Hutchinson is in contrast to the very broad, clear and concise definition used by retired Canadian Judge Peter Corey in his inquiry into British and 26-County state collusion. Corey stated: “they [The two states] must not act collusively by ignoring or turning a blind eye to the wrongful acts of their servants or agents”. It is clear that in this case that is precisely what that RUC/PSNI did in their so-called investigation of the murder of these six people.
The leopard does not change his spots and this case shines a spotlight on the never changing face of British rule and policing as experienced by the nationalists people of the Six Counties.
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