False claims against RSF for participation in conference in Italy
Republican Sinn Féin attended the conference ‘Ireland and the Struggle against Imperialism’ in Fermo, Italy, organised by Aries in order to once more place Ireland’s struggle against British imperialism in the context of the international struggle against imperialism. Our attendance at the conference is consistent with our work on an international level to highlight the continuing partition and British occupation of Ireland. As Irish Republicans we have historically taken a world view. Opposing imperialism in one country is not enough. Imperialism must be opposed wherever it is found be it in Palestine, Afghanistan, Iraq or Ireland.
We make no apology for availing of an opportunity to counter the propaganda of the British and 26-County political establishments in Stormont, Leinster House and Westminster on an international stage. Republican Sinn Féin reject and oppose imperialism in all its many forms such as: racism, xenophobia and fascism, and in our struggle for a free Ireland and the creation of a Federal Democratic Socialist Republic we are also joining the struggle for the creation of a community of free nations based on the principles of political, social and economic democracy.
We make no apology for availing of an opportunity to counter the propaganda of the British and 26-County political establishments in Stormont, Leinster House and Westminster on an international stage. Republican Sinn Féin reject and oppose imperialism in all its many forms such as: racism, xenophobia and fascism, and in our struggle for a free Ireland and the creation of a Federal Democratic Socialist Republic we are also joining the struggle for the creation of a community of free nations based on the principles of political, social and economic democracy.
Des Dalton (Vice President, Republican Sinn Féin)
Massimiliano Vitelli (Republican Sinn Féin Italy)
Dieter Blumenfeld (Republican Sinn Féin Austria)
Republican Sinn Fèin rigetta e si oppone all'imperialismo in tutte le sue forme, come: razzismo, xenofobia e fascismo. La nostra lotta è per un'Irlanda libera e la creazione di una Repubblica Federale Socialista Democratica. R.S.F. partecipa anche alla lotta per la creazione di una comunità di nazioni libere basata sui princìpi politici, sociali ed economici della democrazia.
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