It is time to live up to the ideals of 1916 by voting No
Statement by the President of Republican Sinn Féin Des Dalton
The Austerity Treaty is the creation of the same political and financial elite who created the present economic collapse. During the so-called boom the profits of the wealthy were privatised to ensure they would not be shared with society, now during the bust they socialise their losses, forcing people across the EU to pay for them. Political events in France, Holland and Greece indicate that people have had enough of this kind of lop-sided economics. On May 31 the people of the 26 Counties have an opportunity to add their voice to this growing Europe-wide movement of resistance by voting No.
The way forward is not to resurrect a failed political and economic model but to begin anew. A radical change in thinking is demanded creating real economic as well as political democracy. This means ensuring that the decisions which affect people and their communities, are made by them rather than unelected and unaccountable bureaucrats in Brussels or elsewhere. Our political and economic policies Éire Nua and Saol Nua set out a blueprint for such a New Ireland.
In four years time we will be marking the Centenary of the heroic 1916 Rising and the Proclamation of Ireland’s right to nationhood. Rejecting the Austerity Treaty would be a statement of our intent to not merely pay lip service to the ideals of the 1916 Proclamation but instead our determination to live up to them.
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